How it started
I’m David Adams and to hear my Dad say it, I’ve been in the construction industry since I was 5. I can’t remember that far back so I’m just taking his word for it! However, I do know I’ve always liked building things and this desire led me to construction management. I graduated from BYU-Idaho in 2005 with a bachelors in science. In 2008 I decided to go back to school and earned an MBA in project management.
Listed below are some noteworthy projects where I had a central role in team management

DryCreek Crossing has four main condo buildings with a clubhouse and pool. The soil had to be treated with lime in order to support the building. We installed a Post Tension Slab for the parking lot ceiling supporting the structure above. These units had about 40 preselected options the owners could choose from. In the photos below you can see some of the options.
University of Utah Botanical Center Wetlands Discovery Point this was the first LEED Platinum project in Utah. This project had a Geothermal Heating System, A sloped roof for water collection and reuse as gray water. Almost made of completely recycled or reclaimed material, along with a thermal concrete wall.
Westminster on the Draw this was a new build from the ground up. It had class rooms on the bottom floor. Then commercial space that was leased out. On the upper five floors were student occupied units. Adjacent to the main building was a parking structure.
Amazon Fulfillment Center that was exactly one mile to walk the perimeter. I was able to lead the team to come together and complete the project in a crazy nine Months.
I built a propellant analysis complex for intercontinental ballistic missiles with the CORP of Engineers on the Hill Air Force Base. Unfortunately, I cannot post a photo. (Sorry no pictures)
My team completely remodeled the Oklahoma City Temple to renew the building envelope, interior and modernize the audio/visual system and HVAC.
At the Historic St. George Temple remodel we reinforced the footings, tripled the footprint of the building to hold a larger capacity inside, renovated the landscape to accommodate building capacity and parking, installed modern construction reinforcements throughout, relocated the temple entrance, and replaced the audio/visual, HVAC, Plumbing and electrical.
At the Salt Lake City Temple we remodeled multiple rooms to refresh the space by merging two rooms which allowed a larger occupancy, replaced the audio/visual throughout, and reinforced the fire suppressant. (sorry no photos)